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May 29, 2023
9. Best Practices
Specific instructions to assist you in completing tasks. Communicating with Students about Eligibility Instead of reminding students to,...
May 29, 2023
8. Tools and Resources
What should you use and where can you go to get all tasks done? This is the student-facing base-of-operations for...
May 29, 2023
7. Scholarships/EOY Report
OUAZ AVERAGES: Our internal policy for tracking scholarship limits is an average based system. For all the scholarships you offer, the...
May 26, 2023
6. OUAZ Rules, Bylaws, & Policies
NEW OUAZ ACADEMIC POLICY: This new policy can be found in the Academic Reference Handbook (ARC), Chapter 2 "All college-level courses...
May 26, 2023
5. NAIA Bylaw Basics
What requirements do student-athletes need to meet to be eligible? What are the rules for recruiting, schedule limits an ? NAIA CONCEPTS:...
May 26, 2023
4. Eligibility
The great white whale! The bulk of the work that comes out of the Compliance office is processing eligibility. Its a system that utilizes...
May 26, 2023
3. Schedules
Submisions, changes, weeks, and how to get it approved! WHERE ARE THE FORMS? The LOI Roster! a.k.a. Brittney's Google Sheet Click on the...
May 25, 2023
2. Process and Procedure
How do all the things get done? And what is the best way to communicate? DEADLINES: The following timeline provides an overview of how...
May 25, 2023
1. Integrity and Expectations
Personal and professional integrity is our foundation for compliance. We choose to operate with the highest level of integrity,...
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