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The Purpose:

  • You are the Authority, in the absence of an A.D. If an official or Coach asks for the game administrator, you must respond.

  • You are the onsite supervisor and first level of security.

  • You are in charge of the student workers

  • You have pre-game, in-game, and post-game duties


On-Duty Security:

(623) 546-1666


Alex Blaser

(408) 710-4004


Chris Davis

(619) 315-8243


Rey Samudio


(602) 309-7636

Student Worker


You are responsible for making sure the student-workers are in their assigned roles.

You are also the person to release students from work after the contest and tear down in complete.

Ticket Seller

Onsite 1.5 Hours prior to starting time; released at half time for Soccer, Football, and Basketball; released after the 2nd set of volleyball


Arrive 1 hour prior to start time; released once all equipment is torn down and put away.

Live Stream Producer & Camera Operators

Arrive 1 hour prior to start time; released once all equipment is torn down and put away.

Scoreboard Operators

Arrive 1 hour prior to start time; released once all equipment is torn down and put away.

Ball Shaggers/
Floor Sweepers

Arrive 30 Minutes prior to start time; released once all equipment is torn down and put away.


Arrive 1 hour prior to start time; released once all equipment is torn down and put away.

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